The final book in MaryJanice Davidson's Mermaid trilogy starts off with Fred buying a house and slowly obtaining unwanted roommates. Houseguest number 1... Jonas, Fred's best friend, who insists on dragging her around to help plan his wedding, which Fred hates! And to make matters worse, her boyfriend, Prince Artur, proposes to her! Now Jonas is all excited at the prospect of planning a royal wedding for her. Can things get any worse? Wait! This is Fred we're talking about. Of course they can! Enter... Thomas Pearson, marine biologist, and the guy Fred chose over Artur. As if that isn’t enough bad news, let's add one more houseguest to the list... Fred's long-lost father, Farrem, who she has never met and who all the other sea folk think is their worst enemy. How's a girl supposed to cope with everyone in such close quarters... especially when one is her ex?
It's a shame that this is the end of the series, as I have really enjoyed the characters in this trilogy. Davidson definitely could have continued on with this series a while longer as there is much more potential, so I'm hoping that more will come from these characters in spin-off stories somewhere down the road. Dialogue is definitely Davidson's strongest suit and this book is filled to the brim! Jonas had some of the quirkiest lines in the book and Fred's foul mouth makes me think of times I want to say something to and don't. I admire her for being so outspoken. She is never afraid to speak her mind, and that shows in this book, as she spoke up to several of the head people, including her own father. It's amusing as well, as they all tend to just laugh at her when she goes off on a tirade instead of getting angry with her. I'll miss hearing about Fred, but I did like the way that Davidson ended this book. I thought it was a good finish. I think all readers of the paranormal romance genre will enjoy this fun, fast-paced read. Highly Recommended.
Contains: Adult language, Adult Situations
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