Feminine Wiles is a collection of sixteen short stories by John Grover. Instead of stereotypical male protagonists, Grover casts a woman as the villain of each story. The various villains range from witches and crones to dolls and even Medusa herself, so the reader gets a bit of variety. Highlights of the book were "Eden Revisited", a story about the Garden of Eden with a bit of a spin, "Blood IS Thicker Than Water", where a woman believes that blood is the latest in skin care products, and "The Bride Wore Red", where the wedding doesn't end up going quite as the groom expects. I was a bit disappointed at the end of several stories, which ended up going a different direction than expected. A few of the stories also felt clichéd. Also troublesome is the editing of the book. I struggled throughout with numerous grammatical errors that could have easily been corrected. It's a great concept for a collection, however, and a little editing would make it a much more enjoyable read. Grover shows promise, and I'd be willing to try reading something else by him down the road.
(Review also posted on MonsterLibrarian.Com)
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