In Kate Douglas' latest release in the Wolf Tales series, we learn about the lives of six young, new, Chanku. In the beginning of the book they are split up. Three of them go to stay with Ulrich and Millie in Colorado and the others stay with Anton Cheval and his pack in Montana. A chunk of the book takes place in Montana where there is still a fear that, after the attacks from book seven, all is not quite "right". When an intruder is discovered and identified, will the Chanku give the person time to explain the reasoning for spying on them, or will they just go ahead and kill them? In the meantime, in Colorado, who is really teaching whom more, the elders or the new youth? This book was a "growth book" for all intents and purposes, and a lot of lessons were learned by both old and new Chanku. I can't wait to see what Douglas will have in store for us with future releases in this faublous series. Highly recommended.
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